EMS celebrates 25 years

Thursday, January 2nd, 2020

Remember back when the World Wide Web was new, Google didn’t exist and smart phones were still in the realm of science fiction?

Since 1995 businesses have not only had to cope with the rapidly changing world of information technology, but at the same time live through global crises like Y2K, the GFC, SARS and more recently COVID-19.

So how has EMS, a small Australian technology firm, not only survived but thrived over the past 25 years?

“It’s about being agile, continuously seeking innovation and providing excellent customer support,” says EMS Product Manager and Director Chris Matthews. “We’ve got a solid business model, a loyal long-term customer base and dedicated staff who are highly skilled and adaptable to change,” says Chris.

EMS was set up in 1995 by his father, Allen Matthews, who had a vision to provide a “whole of business” software solution. With a staff of four based in a small office in Belconnen, ACT, Allen set about building software which would manage financial, customer, billing, resource, works and asset management functions for regional electricity distributors.

Allen drove the growth, expansion and success of the firm until his retirement in 2011. He sadly passed away six years later, after being diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer. He left behind a team of three directors and a number of loyal long-term staff who have continued with the vision and leadership he had instilled into the company.

“He will always be remembered for his vision and courage as the founder of EMS, and will be greatly missed by both his immediate and EMS family” says Chris. Prior to setting up EMS, Allen had worked in the electricity distribution industry, where he had lead the development of a Unix-based software system capable of managing multiple business functions. He combined this experience with his vision to establish EMS and their first software products.

With the evolution of the Windows operating system and the Internet later in the 1990s, EMS adapted quickly, developing a Windows-based product called EMS-WASP, which continues to be used by many customers to this day. The business offering now includes a range of Basix™ products which were designed and continue to evolve in close conjunction with their customers to match requirements. This innovative software enables companies to manage and integrate vital business functions while reducing costs and risks.

“What we do is match business needs and deliver great value for money,” says Chris. While the firm’s original focus was on electricity sector clients, they have expanded their reach to include other utilities, airports and the community housing sector, where they are a leader in the provision of whole of business software solutions. With head office, development and support facilities based in Canberra, EMS has consulting staff across Australia who help provide clients with ready access to products and business expertise.

EMS would like to thank all their customers and staff, both past and present, for their contribution and support of this successful Australian owned small business.

Allen and his family at the Telstra Small Business awards Finals in 2004 (L-R: Kylie, Allen, Megan, Kerry and Chris)
Allen & his family at the Telstra Small Business awards Finals in 2004 (L-R: Kylie, Allen, Megan, Kerry & Chris).

Two successful Basix:Housing Manager implementations in 2019

Monday, July 1st, 2019

In 2019 we successfully implemented Basix:Housing Manager for two new customers – Homes North Community Housing in Armidale NSW, and Access Community Housing Company in Cairns QLD. This included a full data migration from their previous system, user training and a number of enhancements that were requested during scoping.

The implementation project for Homes North Community Housing started in January and required very short timeframes due to a pending transfer of a large number of properties from the NSW Government to Homes North Community Housing. EMS was able to provide a live system in just 3 months as required, which allowed the transfer of properties to occur and provided a solid platform to complete the implementation of the full suite of modules.

We also implemented Basix:Housing Manager at Access Community Housing in Cairns, with a go-live date set of July 1 to coincide with the new financial year. Again, the system was implemented on time and on budget and has been well received by the users and management.

Both customers implemented the full Basix:Housing Manager solution, which includes fully integrated Finance, Tenancy, Assets, Human Resources, Payroll, Reporting and automated Centrepay payment processing.

EMS would like to thank staff and management of both Homes North and ACHC for their support and co-operation during these implementations, which was critical to their success.



Basix:Mobile implementation for BHC

Saturday, February 16th, 2019

In February 2019, BHC in Brisbane successfully went live with our Basix: Mobile solutions for Routine and Entry/Exit inspections.

This was after months of collaboration between EMS and BHC to develop and refine these mobile solutions, specifically developed by EMS to complement our Basix:Housing Manager product.

The implementation of these Basix:Mobile solutions has drastically reduced the time and effort required for BHC to conduct these inspections, which seamlessly integrate with Basix:Housing Manager. All Inspection reports, work tasks, next inspection dates and other files are automatically generated and linked to the relevant record in Basix:Housing Manager to streamline the entire process and avoid manual entry or re-keying of data.

EMS would like to thank BHC for their contribution to the design of these mobile solutions and we look forward to implementing Basix:Mobile with some of our other customers very soon.